This is the final edition of the series of single basket solution journey focusing on the deliberations over breaking one large order into individual small order versus virtual modeling of sub-orders on the large order, the nuances, and pitfalls in handling business scenarios in such situations.
Let us examine few scenarios first to understand the gravity of business complexities involving sub-orders.
Ex: Order has three sub-orders from the example in previous edition

Business view of the re-modeled sub-orders for each listed scenario above (Refer to the blue column post sub-order re-modelling has been realized by decomposition engine)

From the above table, it is obvious that there are several business scenarios which require re-evaluation of sub-orders continuously through the workflow of order life cycle and re-arrange the line items into appropriate sub-orders to help ease line items fulfill together, cut down cost, optimize operations and streamline order orchestration based on business rules.
Now, the next question will be to deliberate breaking one large order into individual small orders. Why not? The simple answer is yes, but solution to manage such an approach will require complex modeling such as below –
a. Requiring parent/child orders to be created where parent order will be one customer order, while individual orders are logical sub-orders with line items identified by the decomposition engine.
b. Managing the active-passive relationship between parent and child orders which keep changing, dynamically based on an array of use cases (sample explained above)
c. Evaluating all the child orders for one individual order amendment from customer perspective becomes too expensive from an elongated transaction boundary perspective
d. Mapping of individual tenders of parent order to child orders from what was authorized across line-item total to what was actually fulfilled becomes too dirty and heavily intensive calculations making the order decomposition very clumsy (few scenarios below)
- Pro-ration used in partial fulfillment scenarios.
- Specific tender types used on certain brands belonging across child orders.
- Diverse set of tenders and related promotions/discounts applicable to them.
e. Financial applications also have to carry the burden for invoice reconciliation and accounting purposes of such a modeling in order management platform.
f. Communication such as email, SMS, WhatsApp messages for end customer will have to aggregate visibility of statues, delays, notifications across parent/child orders for holistic view
To summarize, we all understand there is no size fits all and completely depends upon the business to business. However, in this blog series, I have highlighted the concept of sub-orders, why are they essential, how are they beneficial from simplifying order orchestration process in contrast to traditional multi-tiered parent-child hierarchy based orders.
Hope you enjoyed these editions on understanding a diversified single basket journey being managed as sub-orders.
Please feel free to drop in your comments/questions/feedback
Author: Jagadesh Hulugundi